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Dual Band DMR Mobile

Set to Full Screen Mode

John 'Miklor'  K3NXU
Setting to Full Screen mode
After the database has been loaded, the screen needs to be displayed in the Full Screen Mode. Here is the procedure.

     MENU - (push upper left knob)
     Local Set - (Gear icon)
     Display Mode - (3 horizontal bars)
     S/D Mode - Set selection to the right
Your display will now show the database information loaded into your radio.
-  Talk Group
-  Name / Call Sign
-  City / State / Country
-  Frequency
-  TX Timer

If you are relatively new to DMR, this may help put some of the pieces together.

DMR Tutorial  DMR 1.01
Database sources can be found here
DMR ID Database links
Welcome to DMR.
Enjoy your new toy...
Stay safe and healthy.
John K3NXU


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