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Updating  Firmware
DMR ID Database

MD-9600 / RT90


UHF  400-480 MHz
VHF  136-174 MHz
Dual Band  50W  Mobile

by: John  'Miklor'
Sept 2017
Rev. Dec 2018
Rev. Apr 2021

This procedure is to assist with the updating of the latest firmware for your transceiver. Please take all precautions to assure you are loading the proper firmware for your radio.
Load new and experimental software at your own risk.
Important Note/ Warning:

There has recently been a Version 4 release of the MD9600 which includes a new updated PLL (hardware).
Because of this hardware change, the new Version 4 Firmware and Software is NOT compatible with the V1, V2, V3 radio. Do not attempt to load V4 HW/SW to an older version radio. This will not add additional features to an older model but will cause unpredictable results.
From TYT:

The latest Software/Firmware for your radio can be downloaded directly from the TYT Download Page.
This will load the firmware update software to your windows PC.

Before starting, note there are Four versions of firmware.
The different versions are preceded by either P, V, R or D.
- CSV adds User DB function
- REC adds Recorder function.
- GPS is for radios already equipped with the GPS function.
  (It will not add the function to your radio)

   P xx.xx.bin =  CSV  GPS
   V xx.xx.bin =  CSV
   S xx.xx.bin =  REC  GPS
   D xx.xx.bin =  REC
The following icon will now appear on your desktop
Connect your USB to Mini-USB programming cable to the back of your radio.
To prepare your radio for the firmware upgrade, you must Remove power from the radio COMPLETELY. This does not mean press the power OFF button.
1.  You must disconnect your radio from its 12V power source.
2.  PRESS and HOLD both the RED button and P1 button while reconnecting the 12V source.
3.  The 9600 display will start flashing.
Upload the new Firmware
1)  Select  Open file upgrade.
2)  Enter the path to the .bin file that was downloaded to the temp file area.
The file path will appear in the User program area.
3)  Select Download file of upgrade.
4)  The progress bar will show status.
This bar may stop halfway and appear to freeze. Do not panic. After about a minute the bar will continue and your firmware update will be complete.


Loading the DMR Database
The following steps must be performed.

-  Database must be trimmed to 100,000  DMR IDs or less

-  Open the software's  'Program / Write Contacts'  tab

-  Select  'Import'  to load DB into software

-  Then  'Write'  to load it from the software to your radio.


A source for DMR database generators can be found  HERE.

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